Jual Drone DJI Matrice 4 Enterprise di Makassar

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Drone DJI Matrice 4 Enterprise adalah salah satu inovasi terbaru dari DJI, yang dirancang khusus untuk memenuhi kebutuhan penggunaan industri dan komersial. Drone ini menawarkan berbagai fitur canggih yang membuatnya ideal untuk aplikasi seperti pemetaan, inspeksi infrastruktur, pencarian dan penyelamatan, serta survei lingkungan. Salah satu keunggulan utama dari Matrice 4 Enterprise adalah daya tahannya yang luar biasa dan kemampuan untuk beroperasi dalam berbagai kondisi cuaca yang menantang, berkat desainnya yang tahan air dan debu.

Drone ini juga dilengkapi dengan sistem navigasi yang canggih, termasuk teknologi GPS yang ditingkatkan dan sensor canggih untuk menghindari rintangan, memastikan penerbangan yang aman dan akurat. Selain itu, Matrice 4 Enterprise mampu membawa berbagai muatan, seperti kamera termal dan multispektral, yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk mendapatkan data dan gambar berkualitas tinggi untuk analisis yang lebih mendalam.

Fitur lainnya termasuk waktu terbang yang diperpanjang berkat baterai berkapasitas tinggi, serta kemampuan untuk dikontrol dari jarak jauh dengan perangkat kontrol yang intuitif. Dengan semua fitur ini, Matrice 4 Enterprise menjadi solusi yang sangat andal dan fleksibel untuk berbagai kebutuhan industri, meningkatkan efisiensi dan produktivitas di lapangan.

Drone DJI Matrice 4 Enterprise

Wide-Angle Camera

4/3 CMOS, 20MP Effective Pixels , f/2.8-f/11, Format Equivalent: 24 mm, Mechanical Shutter

Medium Tele Camera

1/1.3″ CMOS, 48MP Effective Pixels, f/2.8, Format Equivalent: 70 mm

Tele Camera

1/1.5″ CMOS, 48MP Effective Pixels, f/2.8, Format Equivalent: 168 mm

Laser Range Finder

Measurement Range: 1800 m (1 Hz); Oblique Incidence Range (1:5 Oblique Distance): 600 m (1 Hz) Blind Zone: 1 m; Range Accuracy (m): ± (0.2 + 0.0015 × D) [1]

Intelligent Operations

Smarter Operations

The built-in model can detect vehicles, vessels, and subjects during search and rescue operations or routine flights. It also supports switching to other models, enabling the expansion of application scenarios. Additionally, it supports high-res grid photos and features powerful tracking capabilities.

Laser Range Finder, Precise Measurement

The laser range finder enables real-time precise measurement. Through simple operations such as pin point, line drawing, and area calculation, it can complete tasks like marking target locations for inspection purposes or calculating the area of a wildfire. Additionally, users can share info via the DJI Pilot QR code or FlightHub 2 with relevant personnel to enhance collaboration and workflow efficiency.

Observation Range Recording

DJI Pilot 2 can highlight the center position of the camera frame and ground area observed. It can display the surveyed area on the map, making it especially useful for patrols, and rescue operations in mountainous terrain without clear landmarks.

Efficient Flight, Intelligent Operations


In emergencies or disasters, the drone can automatically adjust its flight path and speed based on the surrounding environment, allowing it to reach a designated location without manual adjustments.


In emergencies or disasters, the drone can automatically adjust its flight path and speed based on the surrounding environment, allowing it to reach a designated location without manual adjustments.

Smart Track

Smart Track allows for precise subject positioning and automatic zoom adjustments, allowing you to switch between subjects easily. It can automatically reacquire a subject even if obscured briefly.


POI enables continuous observation and 3D modeling of buildings while flying around a designated area, greatly enhancing the efficiency of fixed-point observation and modeling tasks.